Thursday, December 27, 2012


It's thursday and i am watching marathons of my favorite shows on netflix. My folks left this morning and i was able to get the house cleaned and laundry basically everything that didn't get done over the christmas holiday. I can only look at that mess for so long before i have to get up and clean it all up. Right now i am watching the west wing, this is a really good show. There are so many good shows i am planning on watching tonight, stuff i didn't get to watch this week. But i am so loving the west wing this has to be one of my favorite shows. I wish they had er on here too. Another show i am planning on getting caught up on is grey's anatomy omg i really love that show. Ok now back to life as is, the weather is cold, the house is warm and tonight just planning to cuddle on the couch and drink some hot chocolate with the rest of the family. Did have a good christmas minus a little family but drama but i think every family goes through that.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry christmas everyone!!! I hope you all have had a great day of celebrating with your family and friends. The kids had us up at 6 to open their presents and had a blast with all of their gifts. They got their gifts from santa, thomas got a bike and a few other things, taylor got a boombox, a cd and some hair stuff and makeup, bubby got a gun, some lincoln logs and a few other things and they just all had a blast. My folks are here and we are just enjoying the time together. Last night we had christmas dinner at my uncle's house with the whole family there and we all just had a really good time. It has been a long time since we have all been together and it was just a good night with loads of family. This is my favorite time of the year just being with family and friends. After all the good food we had last night i am definitely in a food coma and feel like a stuffed turkey.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ready for christmas...

Well, i can officially say i am ready for christmas. I beat my record of being on the last day getting it done but we officially got it all done today so i am extremely happy. Got the tree up, presents bought and now just ready to spend the rest of the time with my family and kids. Its supposed to snow on the day after christmas so i guess that is the closest we will come to a white christmas but that's ok because I know the kids are going to love it no matter what. Tomorrow night we are having christmas dinner down at my uncles house and all of the family are supposed to be there which is going to be loads of fun i love it when we all get together which hasn't happened in quite a while. Sorry i have not posted much this weekend but my folks got here yesterday and it's just been crazy. So, what are your plans for christmas eve and christmas day?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Welcome To The Weekend

Hi there It's saturday morning and the weekend is upon us. This is not your ordinary weekend, it's the weekend before christmas so that's pretty awesome. This weekend people will be out traveling or doing their last minute shopping. Sadly, i will be one of those last minute shoppers due to havingto pick up a few more things.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Well, it's friday evening and the weekend before christmas has arrived. I do not plan to be on the road tonight because i am sure the traffic is madness with all the last minute christmas shoppers and travelers who will be on the road. I am the last minute shopper who plans to wait til tomorrow to try and fight the crowds at the mall and walmart. I hate crowds, i hate even having to deal with them but unfortunately i have no choice this time. Sitting here watching a movie with the kids waiting for my hubby to get home from work. I can only imagine the traffic he is sitting in the middle of which makes me even happier that i am not out in it ha-ha!!! Tomorrow is a big day, the relatives will be arriving and i am planning to start my holiday baking. I have found so many good recipes on my food blogs that i am excited to get started just not excited about how many dishes i will end up doing. I am excited about christmas, this is the first christmas in our house so will be nice to spend it with my family just wish there wouldn't be drama and with my family there is always some kind of drama. Do you have plans for christmas?

Flashback Friday

Hi and good morning. It's finally friday and i couldn't be happier. Today is flashback friday so here it goes you post an old post and link it up so here it goes. Its hump day........ Well, it's wednesday or otherwise known as hump day the middle of the week. I will be so glad when this week is over it has been a long week and i am just ready to relax for a while. This weekend is the weekend before christmas so people will be out doing their last minute shopping (which includes me yes i am guilty lol) and traveling to see family and friends for the holiday. My folks will be coming up this weekend to spend christmas with us since this is our first christmas in our very first home so it should be nice and the kids are so excited about it. Anyway, the kids will be getting home from school soon and it will be chaos but with 4 kids i am used to the chaos. and yes the chaos has begun but i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love spending time with my kids they are a blast to hang out with

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas What It Means To Me

Well, we are only 5 days away from christmas and I thought i would share with you what christmas means to me. To alot of people christmas means getting presents and good food but that's not what its about. Yes its nice to give and get but christmas is more than that. Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of jesus christ the son of god and that's the most amazing thing in the world (now just to be clear if you are offended by this then please leave my blog i wont change my ways to please a few). How neat would it have been that night in the manger to watch the birth of a baby boy who would go on to die on the cross for all of us. I get chills when i think about it. That is what christmas means to me and that is what i tell my kids. Please let us remember the reason for the season. You can get all the gifts in the world but that is not what christmas means to me. My daughter told me one day that she wanted to get a birthday cake and say happy birthday jesus and that just melted my heart more than anything that she understands. It's nice to have food and spend time together as a family but i want peoople to remember the reason for the season and that is what christmas means to me.